
Three diets for fitness: paleo, vegan, calorie counting
April 4, 2015
I piled on the pounds towards the end of last year. Lack of a clear running, cycling or adventure goal for January, the delights of Christmas and a lack of will power all came together and helped me gain that extra fat. For the New Year, I decided to combine some research with a quest to lose weight. Three months - three diets that different nutritionists swear by - paleo, vegan and calorie counting. I thought that a month for each was a fair crack of the whip.

Run Until You Drop!
March 13, 2015
The next time Charlie Shepherd says, "Alice, I've found this really good challenge, you should do it and write about it...", remind me to shoot him!

Because we can
February 26, 2015
My legs hurt, especially my left one, as I come to the last three days of the February Run Until You Drop Challenge. I was feeling sorry for myself, and then life taught me a lesson in humility and gratitude.

Fancy a cuppa?
February 17, 2015
I'm currently taking part in the Run Until You Drop challenge. You run the number of miles that correspond to that day in the month. Sounds easy. Well it is pretty tough going, and relentless, but, as always, there are moments that gladden your heart.

Marrakech Half Marathon
January 26, 2015
Palm trees silhouetted against the snow of the Atlas Mountains. Cold air but hot sunshine. A carnival mood and a scenic route round the ancient city. It is time for the Marrakech Half Marathon.

MdS Kit: What did and didn’t work
December 11, 2014
You would think that running would be a kit-free zone but somehow I managed to spend a fortune, kitting up for the Marathon Des Sables. In fact, because you have to carry everything for the week, it is incredibly important to get the necessity versus weight ratio right. Food was one of the really crucial factors and bizarrely I found that less was more.

A very hard run in the mountains
July 24, 2014
Training post Marathon Des Sables, with our eyes on a race in the Atlas - UTAT October 2014. We came a cropper...

Running in Ramadan
July 11, 2014
No food or drink for 15 hours and then an hour's run. My Moroccan running friends put me to shame during Ramadan.

Recovery or Slump?
June 18, 2014
2 months since the Marathon Des Sables and the glory is starting to fade....