epic marathon camps

Ten things I love about running
January 7, 2016
Running may be glorious but it is also very, very hard. I am in no way a natural runner and so just getting myself out there can be a trauma. Worse, I have taken a long break, and now it is time to knuckle down. I have really written this as my New Year's Motivation to GET running again. My own personal ten top running tips!

Sometimes dreams DO come true
June 5, 2015
This is the saga of trying to get an idea off the ground. The excitement of the idea through the slog of translating that into reality and then the endless hurdles that are put in your way. This one was to set up running training camps to help people just like me improve their running skills, learn how to put together a running programme and maximise their nutrition and guess what.......

Run Until You Drop!
March 13, 2015
The next time Charlie Shepherd says, "Alice, I've found this really good challenge, you should do it and write about it...", remind me to shoot him!

Because we can
February 26, 2015
My legs hurt, especially my left one, as I come to the last three days of the February Run Until You Drop Challenge. I was feeling sorry for myself, and then life taught me a lesson in humility and gratitude.

Marrakech Half Marathon
January 26, 2015
Palm trees silhouetted against the snow of the Atlas Mountains. Cold air but hot sunshine. A carnival mood and a scenic route round the ancient city. It is time for the Marrakech Half Marathon.

Not so fast in Fes
January 11, 2015
Running through history, literally. A morning run that started off in the ancient alleyways of the Fes medina and then took us up to see the sunrise from the Merenid Tombs perched on top of one of Fes's many, many hills

What’s your name? I’m a banana.
November 10, 2014
I love learning languages but there is always that difficult phase when you are fluent in three phrases but have no real idea what is going on. I am often in that phase for a very long time!

A very hard run in the mountains
July 24, 2014
Training post Marathon Des Sables, with our eyes on a race in the Atlas - UTAT October 2014. We came a cropper...

Running in Ramadan
July 11, 2014
No food or drink for 15 hours and then an hour's run. My Moroccan running friends put me to shame during Ramadan.