Draa expedition

Journey’s End

May 16, 2019

Tsk tsk, tut tut, women drivers

April 23, 2018

You know that moment when you realise you have been a disgrace to your gender? That moment when you have let down women all over the world? That moment when you have reinforced every misogynistic stereotype? Yes, this was one of those moments when I was an embarrassment to the sisterhood.... in a big way!

Guelmim desert

How to be brave

April 2, 2018

Hiking in the desert mountains can be quite a challenge. I didn't set out to scare myself when I set out from Tighmert near Guelmim to walk the ridge, but I managed it nonetheless and in doing so learnt some lessons about how to be brave.

Rohan Explorer trousers and Windshadow jacket

Goat’s milk and boiled butter

March 10, 2018

An adventurer needs adventures, so with that in mind, I packed up the cats, my bike and my hiking and running kit and moved to a tiny oasis in the south of Morocco called Tighmert for a couple of months. I want to see what living in an oasis is like, explore the desert area and mountains around Guelmim and get to know the Sahara people. My first adventure was a hike from the oasis, across the desert plain to the mountains.

Nomads Run Morocco Alice Out THere Alice Morrison

Why I love running in Morocco

March 7, 2016

Even when I fall out of love completely with the pain of running and the slog of training, there is always something that lures me back in and here in Morocco that is doubly true. The smell of orange blossom, the quiet of the desert, the offer of a cup of mint tea....

Alice Morrison running

Ten things I love about running

January 7, 2016

Running may be glorious but it is also very, very hard. I am in no way a natural runner and so just getting myself out there can be a trauma. Worse, I have taken a long break, and now it is time to knuckle down. I have really written this as my New Year's Motivation to GET running again. My own personal ten top running tips!

Camel Selfie

Making like Lawrence of Arabia

December 5, 2015

Camel riding in the Palmeraie of Marrakech at sunset - it should definitely go on your bucketlist

marathon des sables, mds, ultra marathons, desert marathons, ultra running, running

Behind the scenes at the Marathon Des Sables

April 14, 2015

They came back heroes! The finishers from the 2015 Marathon Des Sables, It is the toughest footrace on earth with six marathons across the desert in six days. Headwinds, sandstorms, blisters, dunes and heat. They battled them all and triumphed. And there I was, waiting at the end with a key to a hotel room complete with soft bed and hot shower.,...

MdS Kit: What did and didn’t work

December 11, 2014

You would think that running would be a kit-free zone but somehow I managed to spend a fortune, kitting up for the Marathon Des Sables. In fact, because you have to carry everything for the week, it is incredibly important to get the necessity versus weight ratio right. Food was one of the really crucial factors and bizarrely I found that less was more.

Recovery or Slump?

June 18, 2014

2 months since the Marathon Des Sables and the glory is starting to fade....