Hiking the Jordan Trail

December 2, 2021

675 km from the north of Jordan to the Red Sea in the south.

Amazigh Berber dancing

Come on baby light my fire

November 20, 2021

Even the most domestic of tasks can turn into an adventure when you live high in Morocco's Atlas Mountains in the heart of an Amazigh (Berber) family

cat rescue

Kitten rescue Moroccan style

October 15, 2021

I didn't wake up this morning with kitten rescue Moroccan style in mind, in fact I was hoping to go hiking. But what makes God laugh? People who plan.

Two go wild with Alpacas

May 20, 2021

Want to be happy? Take an alpaca for a stroll.

Unrequited love

April 27, 2021

Can you eat cactus?

March 14, 2021