running training

11 running lies we tell ourselves
August 2, 2017
Running lies and myths are something we all subscribe to. You need those lies to get you out of the door some mornings. Here are my top 11 running lies. I have found them VERY useful. In fact, I am not absolutely sure what I would do with them.

Running tales: A thief and a knight
February 4, 2017
Running in Morocco is always an adventure. Sometimes the trails are long and sometimes they are short, and this morning's run in Essaouira had its fair share of surprises.

A million miles from ISIS
January 21, 2016
Macro and micro - two perspectives separated by just one tiny vowel. Living in a country which is not your own is a privilege. It gives you the chance to look at things differently. Every time I go for a run or a walk in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco, I get to see Islam at the micro level. The level lived by so many million muslims around the world. This story is about that community of spirit.

Running training plan
January 14, 2016
January is the month of resolutions. Back on the training treadmill, I want to do it right this time. I hate being too constrained but I am hoping that a bit of discipline and structure will set me free. Here are my running training plans for 2016.

Ten things I love about running
January 7, 2016
Running may be glorious but it is also very, very hard. I am in no way a natural runner and so just getting myself out there can be a trauma. Worse, I have taken a long break, and now it is time to knuckle down. I have really written this as my New Year's Motivation to GET running again. My own personal ten top running tips!