Ramadan Corona and Lockdown what a combination. 7.25 this evening and I am sitting in Fatma, my landlady’s, kitchen, waiting for the first notes of the call to prayer. There are five of us women and three little girls. Allahu Akbar sounds from the minaret near our house in Imlil and we all scoop up a date, murmur bismillah (In the Name of God) and bite into the juicy sweetness. It tastes so good and immediately I begin to revive. I’m like a cartoon of a wilting flower being given water.
We are all really subdued because we have just heard the news that lockdown is being continued for another 3 weeks until the 10th June. Our lockdown has been very strict. One person in the household is allowed out for essential shopping with a signed piece of paper from the local authorities. You are also allowed out if you are a key worker, including agricultural which is the main industry apart from tourism here, and for medical emergencies. Apart from that, you stay indoors. There are roadblocks and no inter city or inter area travel is permitted.
It’s really tough. We have been in our houses now for nine weeks but the upside is that Morocco has only recorded 192 deaths in total, and the population is half that of the UK. I would definitely rather face another three weeks of confinement than play Russian roulette with the population and see the virus rampage through the country.
Fasting for Ramadan has added a whole new dimension of difficulty to being locked down for me. I am not a Muslim but I live in a family compound where every other adult is fasting. I want to fit in, which is something I think most people who are transplanted out of their own environment can relate to, and I also want to show the deep respect I feel for this community who have taken me in and given me a home here.

These noble feelings, however, do fade by about 3pm every day when my energy is gone and I have started clock watching and swearing a lot in my head. The thing is, it isn’t just about the physical discomfort of not eating or drinking anything between the hours of 4 am and 7.25pm although I wake up thirsty and stay that way and my tummy starts to yell at me by mid-afternoon, it is about the mental stress. There are two things that are hard. The first is the lack of energy and ability to concentrate which mean that the ways I have been escaping confinement by writing, pitching ideas, giving online talks … have all become very difficult. Likewise doing my exercise sessions with YouTube. Try doing a HIT session when you haven’t drunk for 15 hours and you’ll see what I mean. Secondly, there is nothing to break up the day. No stopping for a cup of tea, or looking forward to lunch. The days are endless.
But, there is a massive consolation. My home is in a compund, so even though I am isolating, I am doing it with 25 people: three brothers and a nephew and their wives and families. The great Grandfather, Al Hajj, is in his nineties and the youngest, Yasmine, is just 2 months old. I’m in almost the opposite situation from most people in the West. They have access to freedom in the outdoors which I long for but I have company.
Every day, the children, who are studying remotely using WhatsApp and video and audio lessons from their schools, bang on my door after school time and demand that I come out and do sport with them. Even though my tongue feels like a mattress, I can’t resist their pleading eyes. Yesterday, I taught them how to do the Gay Gordons and I whooped while they stomped and whirled and tripped over each other as I yelled, ‘one two three, turn!’ at them like a mad banshee.
Every night, I break the fast with Fatma and her family. Usually we eat in the stone-built room at the back of the house. They have set up charcoal braziers so that everything can be cooked the old fashioned way because it tastes better. Bread is baked in the traditional clay oven. The men eat separately upstairs so it is just us and the kids. It is so comforting to be part of a family and to be welcomed in and made to feel of some value. I’m always learning too. I take down my little notebook and write down new words in tashlaheet. Ramadan has been really hard for everyone during the Corona lockdown. The mosques are shut and friends and family can’t visit. Usually, after iftar (breakfast) everyone is full of life and goes out and about, Marrakech’s main square, Jema El Fna, is mobbed, but this year everything is silent.

I love my adventures and the high days I have out in the mountains and desert and I miss them! But there is a quiet beauty about the way I am living now. I thought that walking across the Sahara was an exercise in stripping away but I think this Ramadan Corona lockdown has been even more so. I would never choose it, but I hope that I will come out of it with some new strength and insight.
Stay Safe
I can’t do much to help during this crisis but I can offer you lots of free content – some moments of escape from the daily reality. There are more blogs here
I have a podcast, Alice in Wanderland, which is on all major platforms or here and covers my adventures (episodes 4-10 are live from the Sahara Expedition) and Corona lockdown life now.
If you’d like to buy any of my books, that would be great. Check them out here. They are all on kindle/ereader as well as in print. Bike across Africa with me in Dodging Elephants, delve behind the scenes on my TV show in Morocco to Timbuktu, or zoom round Morocco with me from the Atlas to the Sahara, from Marrakech to Essaouira in Adventures in Morocco.
Teaching them the Gay Gordons probably breaches their human rights.
So excited. I dont know where to start, book, blogs, podcast, tv documentary. Actually, I’ve read the 1001nights on my kindle but not the other about Morocco.
The first e mail about your blogs came today. The Gay Gordon’s. Brings back so many memories when I used to teach dancing. The children – I was in primary education until I retired in 2003. Morocco – well, weve visited 6 times in our motorhome. Weve been right down to Dakhla and to Smara which I think you visit. Lots to do.
I have just started watching the tv programme about your Sahara expedition – episodes 1&2. I am completely entranced! I love your openness to everything and everyone you encounter as well as your comments on what you’re experiencing. Also in awe of your linguistic abilities! Now looking forward to discovering more of your adventures.
Hello Alice, Thank you for your stories. What a wonderful community you have there. Im sure the food is delicious and the company loving and fun. Hope to see you before the end of the year. xxx Vinny
Hi! Really enjoyed watching Morocco to Timbouctou for the 2nd time!
I should have flown to Essaouira on 14th March for 10 days before leading a school group 26th March to 4th April. We should have been in Imlil 26th-28th March. Sadly school trips abroad were stopped on 12th March.
Should also have been in Imlil 11-13th June and then 30th June-5th July but these 2 groups have also cancelled.
Would be great to meet up in Morocco one day!
Best wishes,
Love that article Alice!! Can relate to fitting into your environment, and I think Corona Lockdown, and especially Corona Lockdown will bring further strength and insight for sure. Stay well!!
I am the real Shirley Valentine lol, I am also intrigued to read My 1001 Nights, I have just discovered your book on my Kindle, which has led me to Blog feed. I to love Morocco and it’s people.
Thank you for sharing what it has been like. Morocco has done a great job of ‘ flattening the curve’ and this has saved many lives but the stay inside order must be tough. So enjoying your books and tv series and we all look forward to your next adventure. Bslama
Thank you, this was a lovely article. I too love Morocco and its people.