Draa Expedition

Death underfoot

February 24, 2019

Draa Expedition with Adventurer Alice Morrison

The Draa Expedition

January 4, 2019

My Cinderella Story

December 26, 2018

imlil commemmoration

The aftermath of terrorism

December 23, 2018

On the 17th December two young Scandinavian women, Maren Ueland, 28, from Norway, and Louisa Vesterager Jespersen, 24, from Denmark, were found dead on the route to Toubkal in the Atlas Mountains. They had been murdered by Daesh (Isis) terrorists. I live in Imlil, the community were this happened and have seen and shared the shock and horror of the local Amazigh (Berber) people at this vile act. My deepest sympathies to the women's families.

Alice Morrison Everest Trail Race

Running the Everest Trail Race Ultra

November 17, 2018

The Everest Trail Race is one of the toughest high altitude ultra marathons in the world. 160km over 6 days, you do 15000m of climbing and go to an altitude of over 4000m. I took on the race in 2018.

Thoughts on the eve of the Everest Trail Race

November 6, 2018

How do you feel the night before an ultra? Well, I feel absolutely terrified. On the 8th November, I will be starting the Everest Trail Race: 160km over 6 days with 15,000m of climbing. Wish me luck!

What to wear for hiking in Morocco

November 4, 2018

One of the most frequent questions people ask me is what to wear in Morocco: both from the point of view of the culture and also practically. I've put together some ideas of what to wear for hiking as I'm currently living in the Atlas Mountains and I hope you find it useful.

Mount Toubkal in one day Alice Morrison

Climbing Toubkal in one day

October 27, 2018

Mount Toubkal is the highest point in north Africa at 4,167 metres and I wanted to climb it in a day. Imlil-Toubkal-Imlil in one day instead of the usual two or three is how I told myself I would be ready for the Everest Trail Race.